April 2018 Newsletter

It’s Time For Spring Cleaning!

It is also a great time to think about the cleanliness of your computer.  Don’t just think about the outside.  Remember the inside, and more importantly the operating system, security system and applications you use on your computer. Having your computer cleaned regularly will keep your hard drive from having errors, clean your drive of unwanted data, and clean the registry of thousands of invalid entries which can cause slower windows performance.  Physical cleanliness can make more of a difference to performance than many computer users realize. Keeping your PC clean on the inside will help it run cooler and ease the stress on the cooling fans which may even prevent damage. Data backups also need to be reviewed, even cloud based, to ensure your important files and pictures are being correctly stored. If you don’t have a data backup solution we can help with that as well.  Call us to schedule an appointment.  We want to ensure your computer runs faster, more efficiently and safer for all of the work you will be doing in the coming months. 

Upgrade to Windows 10

Upgrade Today
Windows 7 is still supported until 2020, but why wait?  Give us a call today to upgrade to the new Windows 10 and check out all the new features it has to offer.

Tech Tip

Don’t trust the emails you receive!  Email is the most frequent source of malicious software on computers we see. Fake links and attachments with viruses attack your spam filters every day.  I’m sure everyone has a friend whose email address has been hacked by now.  All it takes is one wrong click on “Invoice1.pdf” to get infected with a new variant of ransomware (viruses that encrypt your files and charge a ransom to unlock access to them). Don’t click on any attachment unless you are 100% sure it is legitimate or that you are expecting it from a known source. If the tone of the message sounds fishy, call to confirm its authenticity. Never, ever send important information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, client information, etc. through emails.

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